1. Become a 'Follower' and tell your friends about this blog (the whole idea is I would like this blog to serve as a way to help authors get themselves known, so the more followers we can get, the better for all of us).
2. Send a brief e-mail to the address below explaining, in 300 words or less, why you should be a featured author.
3. I will e-mail you additional instructions and interview questions. If there is a long back-log, I may just confirm receipt of your submission and send the questions closer to the time I will actually be able to post.
4. I have made many friends since I've started this. Please don't ask for or expect preferential treatment just because we know each other. I want this blog to serve the interests of authors and readers and while I treasure our friendship, providing special treatment is not in the best interest of the Blog. (Buying my book and giving it a 5 star review won't move up your interview spot . . . but it may ensure I won't ask you the "Rhinoceros and enormous rubber phallus" question.)
5. My plan is to post new interviews every Tuesday, so your interview will be the featured one for one full week. As I add interviews, I will keep all old ones (within the limits of the Blog which I don't yet understand fully) so yours will remain for readers to see (again, for as long as is technically feasible). I will give you notice a few days before the interview will appear so that you can let friends and fans know to watch for it.
6. Thanks! Good luck, and I hope to learn more about you.